I have given a lot of thought to Weave Posts 1 and 2. After hearing some of the poignant - and classless - responses to the blog entries, I have a few things to say.
I failed to highlight the fact that,
there are women who just want to add to their Beauty, or in other cases, their "beauty".
There is nothing wrong with a woman trying to look her best. I can dig that. I definitely could have mentioned that 'there are females without weave with hair looking a mess, and there are females with natural "looks" that don't get any love' because that is definitely a truthful statement.
On the other hand, my job is to give the male perspective...so I will. You don't need to agree though, don't worry. I think
it's important for women to know that Men prefer natural looking Women. Meaning, the more done up you are, the less inclined we are to have a "natural" sense of attraction off the bat. I'm not talking about weave here - or extensions for the white women - I'm referring to
overall appearance: makeup, nails, eye liner, etc.
And ladies, a lot of you be on your Independent Woman shit and you are trying to look good for you, but let's not act like you don't like getting attention from Men and don't put some thought into your presentation so you can maximize that attention. Not all of you are looking your best just for you. Some of you look your "best" for yourselves, Men, AND other females...Unfortunately,
Media adds a lot to the problem. The women they market in all the ads, movies, magazines and newspapers, and the products matched with them are causing a global sense of dependency on beautification products that transcends race and gender. Media is desensitizing men, and the standard of beauty
SOME of us seek is being skewed by the bullshit they put in front of our faces.
I have had experiences with women, some with and others without hair extensions, and it's all about how the individual female chooses to carry herself and her appearance. I wouldn't count a girl out just for having extensions. I can't help to note though, it is puzzling to a Man to see a Woman with added beautification of any sort if she doesn't seem to need it. Granted, who am I to say you need it or not.
Truthfully though, some Women do need to realize that however you may feel, your feelings do not always represent the feelings of your gender as a whole. And though this is a sensitive subject, these posts have garnered
many haters but even more supporters - a lot of whom have Weave themselves.
I would like to thank all the Women that responded to the posts, whether you did it with tact or not. All perspectives were appreciated.