Greetings world. I hope everyone has enjoyed their Summer. I think most of us can agree that part of what makes this time of year so special is the Music. If you know anything about me, you know I'm obsessed with Music. No, it isn't a healthy obsession either. I'm a hoarder of sorts, stock piling MP3s onto multiple computers because I am running out of space - but I digress.
The point is, I have these dope mixes to celebrate the last month of Summer, and it is dedicated to the city I love and all my friends who live here - New Haven, CT otherwise known as the "Elm City". These mixes will be part of a larger compilation titled "Elm City Nights", in which I will travel across different genres and vibes to catch the diverse pallet of musical trends that I love and introduce them to the city I love. I'm all about diversity and I want others to discover the various sounds the world has to offer.
So we are going to start this off with my "Throwback Summer Mix"...enjoy:
The point is, I have these dope mixes to celebrate the last month of Summer, and it is dedicated to the city I love and all my friends who live here - New Haven, CT otherwise known as the "Elm City". These mixes will be part of a larger compilation titled "Elm City Nights", in which I will travel across different genres and vibes to catch the diverse pallet of musical trends that I love and introduce them to the city I love. I'm all about diversity and I want others to discover the various sounds the world has to offer.
So we are going to start this off with my "Throwback Summer Mix"...enjoy: