Greetings Everyone...I've been meaning to update this blog for a few months now, but my life just isn't that interesting at Wesleyan. I only have one semester left and it will be bittersweet for the obvious reasons. Enduring the real world will be a transition but I anxiously await the challenge. I did pretty well in regards to my classes [B-,B+,A- and I'm waiting on the last one come on Professor...] I am using this Winter break to plan out the rest of my life, at least for the next several years.
Graduate school is on the horizon and I never thought it would be. I never saw myself as an "Academic" per say, though I can admit that as I have grown as a student and individual over the past 3 1/2 years, I now feel like I have a bit more to prove to myself in the classroom in order to make up for my mediocre record at the beginning. 2 Ds my freshman year are sucking the life out of my GPA and without them I would have a 3.4 but alas, I hover around a 3. The graduate school study in Media is what I'm working towards. 18 months in New York City to get a masters degree and build my musical network as I work towards my goal of becoming a legit music producer/songwriter and executive. We'll see how that goes...and by the way Valentines Day I'm dropping a mixtape tentatively titled "OverRated/Romance". It will be a powerful introduction to my music for all of those who have never heard it, and for those who have been consistent supporters all of this time. Stay Tuned...
Finally, I need to speak on 2009. This year was great for so many reasons, though it was not devoid of its own challenges and issues. So many of us have dealt with, overcome, and accomplished so many powerful and amazing things. I don't want any of you to forget what you've done, and what you've learned - about yourself and others - because it is all vital in order to continue on to a path of success, and hopefully the path that God has for all of you whether you want to believe it or not. Let 2010 be the year that you break out of your shell or free yourself from whatever is holding you back. Go get what you want and claim what you deserve. Peace outtt
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
HBOs Entourage Season 6 Episode 1 Stream

zSHARE video - Entourage - Season 6_ Episode 1.
If you are one of the unfortunate people that love Entourage but don't have HBO - like myself - the link posted above is for you... It contains the first episode of the 6th season of the famed HBO series based off of the life of Mark Wahlberg and his Hollywood life.
DC to BC is the site that hosted the link, check them out for lots of other cool stuff.
Monday, July 6, 2009
The Purple Legend

The week following Michael's death, he sold a massive amount of records - about 2.6 million. The album that sold the most was Thriller, his most perfect musical masterpiece. His public popularity waned after the accusations of child molestation and as time went on, his musical output decreased. It's unfortunate that the world was seemingly "reminded" of his musical genius only after his death...
With that being said, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight another phenomenal music entertainer who Michael himself had great respect for (I've been watching those MJ exclusives and found out that tidbit). This artist is none other than Prince Rogers Nelson, known to the world simply as "Prince" and briefly as "The Artist, formally known as..." during his epic beef with Warner Brothers Music Group over the copyright ownership of his stage name. The "Prince Rogers" part of his name was actually his father's stage name with the "Prince Rogers Trio", a local Jazz ensemble. Michael was going to have Prince dance with him in the "Bad" video but Prince respectfully declined as he felt that the video would be incredible without him...and he was right.
I'd like to note that I do not personally feel either of them can be fully compared to the other. In their own rights they are unparalleled talents, individually fulfilling specific niches in entertainment and music history. Comparisons are often made between them but at the end of the day, their styles, personas, and music were held in their own distinct categories to fans around the world. I'd play Thriller and Purple Rain back to back, alternating which one I played first each time.
Most of you have been refamiliarizing yourselves with Thriller I'm sure. I would encourage you to do the same with Purple Rain, especially if you've never heard it. There really isn't a single track on it that's not fire. Click on the links to listen to the songs. If you don't have imeem, don't be lazy and take 30 seconds to register.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
R&B Returns

If you haven't listened to Trey Songz, or never really rocked with him for whatever reason, all of that should change. Yesterday he released his mixtape Anticipation, a prelude to his album due out sometime in August 2009 titled Ready. I'm not quite saying that Chris Brown is over with but, Trey is about to kill it for those looking for that real bedtime R&B.
Click the title of this entry to download the mixtape and check his blog here.
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Resurgence of Our Race

As I've grown up being Black, I've noticed a lot of trends in our community. One of the startling trends is the amount of fatherless homes. We have all seen it, and it manifests itself in different ways. When I say home, I am more specifically referring to the maintenance of an active and healthy relationship with a child. Sometimes people can't work things out, and parents don't stay together and there are a lot of men who accept that responsibility to remain in their child's lives although they are not actively in the "home". Still, there is an overwhelming amount of cases where men maintain no relationship with their children at all. The effects of these circumstances can be devastating to a child's life, and though this problem pertains to all races, right now I must speak to my Black people.
On my street, I see several cases of Black women raising more than 5 children, all on their own. None of the men are around to help provide the example, guidance, and discipline that could so greatly benefit the young children growing up in these households. Sometimes these men lacked male examples in their own lives and in turn are unequipped, and therefore unable to provide the type of presence needed in the foundations of our communities. Other times, men have chosen to refrain from simply accepting responsibility for their choices.
The effect this problem has on our women is truly devastating. Too many Black women are being forced to play Mom and Dad, while juggling jobs, mortgages, and their own stresses in life. I won't say they need rescuing, but they need assistance. The crime rates in our community overwhelmingly correlate to young men who have not been actively raised by both parents - most often only by woman - and thus lacked an example of what it means to be a man. Too many of our young men are growing up not respecting our women, themselves and others - leaving school, selling drugs, exhibiting an absence of respect for authority figures. Too many of our young women are growing up not having the confidence and foundation that a father could provide, that could help them to better deal with many of the issues they will face in their lifetimes pertaining to the opposite sex. Neither a man nor a woman can do a job intended for the other. The time to begin setting a proper example of living for our children's generation is now.
Moreover, the point of this entry is not to bash those who have failed, nor to ignore those who have succeeded. The point is to call all Black Men who are aware of these cases to make a change when it's their turn. Provide your child with an example that exudes responsibility, leadership, love and kindness, and respect for the law, others - especially our women - and themselves. To the generation of Black Men who are aware of this problem, be willing to address it. We need to more effectively take control of a problem that we have the means to mend. We can do this by embracing responsibility of fatherhood, becoming more effective leaders in our homes, being more open to communication with each other and our women, and actively working towards establishing a lifestyle of selflessness. It won't be easy, but it's absolutely necessary. The reputation and existence of our race depends on it.
Relevant Statistical Data: **US Census Bureau 2005-2007 American Community Survey**
The Natural Dilemma
I have given a lot of thought to Weave Posts 1 and 2. After hearing some of the poignant - and classless - responses to the blog entries, I have a few things to say.
I failed to highlight the fact that, there are women who just want to add to their Beauty, or in other cases, their "beauty". There is nothing wrong with a woman trying to look her best. I can dig that. I definitely could have mentioned that 'there are females without weave with hair looking a mess, and there are females with natural "looks" that don't get any love' because that is definitely a truthful statement.
On the other hand, my job is to give the male I will. You don't need to agree though, don't worry. I think it's important for women to know that Men prefer natural looking Women. Meaning, the more done up you are, the less inclined we are to have a "natural" sense of attraction off the bat. I'm not talking about weave here - or extensions for the white women - I'm referring to overall appearance: makeup, nails, eye liner, etc. And ladies, a lot of you be on your Independent Woman shit and you are trying to look good for you, but let's not act like you don't like getting attention from Men and don't put some thought into your presentation so you can maximize that attention. Not all of you are looking your best just for you. Some of you look your "best" for yourselves, Men, AND other females...
Unfortunately, Media adds a lot to the problem. The women they market in all the ads, movies, magazines and newspapers, and the products matched with them are causing a global sense of dependency on beautification products that transcends race and gender. Media is desensitizing men, and the standard of beauty SOME of us seek is being skewed by the bullshit they put in front of our faces.
I have had experiences with women, some with and others without hair extensions, and it's all about how the individual female chooses to carry herself and her appearance. I wouldn't count a girl out just for having extensions. I can't help to note though, it is puzzling to a Man to see a Woman with added beautification of any sort if she doesn't seem to need it. Granted, who am I to say you need it or not.
Truthfully though, some Women do need to realize that however you may feel, your feelings do not always represent the feelings of your gender as a whole. And though this is a sensitive subject, these posts have garnered many haters but even more supporters - a lot of whom have Weave themselves.
I would like to thank all the Women that responded to the posts, whether you did it with tact or not. All perspectives were appreciated.
I failed to highlight the fact that, there are women who just want to add to their Beauty, or in other cases, their "beauty". There is nothing wrong with a woman trying to look her best. I can dig that. I definitely could have mentioned that 'there are females without weave with hair looking a mess, and there are females with natural "looks" that don't get any love' because that is definitely a truthful statement.
On the other hand, my job is to give the male I will. You don't need to agree though, don't worry. I think it's important for women to know that Men prefer natural looking Women. Meaning, the more done up you are, the less inclined we are to have a "natural" sense of attraction off the bat. I'm not talking about weave here - or extensions for the white women - I'm referring to overall appearance: makeup, nails, eye liner, etc. And ladies, a lot of you be on your Independent Woman shit and you are trying to look good for you, but let's not act like you don't like getting attention from Men and don't put some thought into your presentation so you can maximize that attention. Not all of you are looking your best just for you. Some of you look your "best" for yourselves, Men, AND other females...
Unfortunately, Media adds a lot to the problem. The women they market in all the ads, movies, magazines and newspapers, and the products matched with them are causing a global sense of dependency on beautification products that transcends race and gender. Media is desensitizing men, and the standard of beauty SOME of us seek is being skewed by the bullshit they put in front of our faces.
I have had experiences with women, some with and others without hair extensions, and it's all about how the individual female chooses to carry herself and her appearance. I wouldn't count a girl out just for having extensions. I can't help to note though, it is puzzling to a Man to see a Woman with added beautification of any sort if she doesn't seem to need it. Granted, who am I to say you need it or not.
Truthfully though, some Women do need to realize that however you may feel, your feelings do not always represent the feelings of your gender as a whole. And though this is a sensitive subject, these posts have garnered many haters but even more supporters - a lot of whom have Weave themselves.
I would like to thank all the Women that responded to the posts, whether you did it with tact or not. All perspectives were appreciated.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Are you serious? I was reminded why I want to leave the house. It's really only my father. Look, no one is denying the sacrifices he's made, or the money he's shelled out for my education and all of that stuff. At the same time, I'm not going to give him a pass for being the father that HE thought was good enough. He could have left the house when I was three like his father did to him, and he didn't and for that I can semi painfully utter the fact that I am thankful.
But being a father is more than just providing a shelter, or putting up bread for private school and all of that sh*t. Being a father is spending time, getting to know and understand your child. Making your child feel comfortable around you, allowing them to share anything with you. Not being judgmental, not being self-righteous, not being selfish, and plainly not being an asshole.
He doesn't understand that his opportunity to share the crucial life wisdom with me is long gone. He had those chances when I lived in the house year round pre-college, and when I was not old enough to be able to make crucial life decisions on my own. As far as I'm concerned, I am way ahead of the curve he was on at my age, in fact he wasn't on my curve. And I am not asking for the perfect father. I know perfection isn't real. I know people will make mistakes and people need to be given forgiveness. This whole thing may sound like I am resentful as hell, but all it is is me putting everything in perspective.
He doesn't know me at all. All he talks about is God and God and God. I love God, believe in God - but sometimes I just need to talk to my father, not be reminded about God and his goodness because I am fully aware. For too long he relied on the crutch that his pops wasn't around him past the age of three, so that must means he's the bomb for having never left. I guess, but no.
When I've been away for three years in college learning literally finding myself, and fashioning my own personal beliefs, virtues, and ways to live life, when I come home is not the time for him to try and reassert himself in an attempt to salvage some of the time that you spent most of my 21 years wasting. The nature of our relationship is pretty much set in stone. I will always love him, but I've been past the point where I needed him. And I only got to that point so quickly because he allowed me to.
Save it.
But being a father is more than just providing a shelter, or putting up bread for private school and all of that sh*t. Being a father is spending time, getting to know and understand your child. Making your child feel comfortable around you, allowing them to share anything with you. Not being judgmental, not being self-righteous, not being selfish, and plainly not being an asshole.
He doesn't understand that his opportunity to share the crucial life wisdom with me is long gone. He had those chances when I lived in the house year round pre-college, and when I was not old enough to be able to make crucial life decisions on my own. As far as I'm concerned, I am way ahead of the curve he was on at my age, in fact he wasn't on my curve. And I am not asking for the perfect father. I know perfection isn't real. I know people will make mistakes and people need to be given forgiveness. This whole thing may sound like I am resentful as hell, but all it is is me putting everything in perspective.
He doesn't know me at all. All he talks about is God and God and God. I love God, believe in God - but sometimes I just need to talk to my father, not be reminded about God and his goodness because I am fully aware. For too long he relied on the crutch that his pops wasn't around him past the age of three, so that must means he's the bomb for having never left. I guess, but no.
When I've been away for three years in college learning literally finding myself, and fashioning my own personal beliefs, virtues, and ways to live life, when I come home is not the time for him to try and reassert himself in an attempt to salvage some of the time that you spent most of my 21 years wasting. The nature of our relationship is pretty much set in stone. I will always love him, but I've been past the point where I needed him. And I only got to that point so quickly because he allowed me to.
Save it.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Text vs Tweet
Some interesting shit was brought to my attention yesterday afternoon. People are now starting to substitute twitter, for text messaging. It makes sense..the cheapest plan with unlimited text from Sprint is $99 a month, with AT&T you'll pay at least an additional $20 a month for unlimited text messaging with their cheapest individual plan (which starts at $40/month). I won't even mention Verizon because the rates were ridiculous.. On the other hand, you can create your own personalized username on Twitter and direct message anyone, for no cost. Since Twitter is quickly becoming another global and viral social networking phenomenon, making the switch from paying for text messaging to using the direct message feature on twittter more often - maybe even exclusively - may not be such a bad idea for those who are paying outrageous rates for texting, and seem to find more than half of their cell phone book on their list of "followers"...
cell phones,
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