Greetings. My life has been quite interesting since I last posted, and I'm not even sure when that was. My weeks are filled with daily commutes, paying bills, and steadily working towards my true professional goals in music. It seems like things are falling into place in a way that can only be divinely orchestrated, but still I must continue to do my part so that I can see the dream being fulfilled all the way through. We often stop short of our dreams, desires, and needs when we don't act to achieve them. It is so easy to say we need or want something, but it's more than difficult to work towards it when everything around you seems to be telling you it wont happen and that you are wasting your time.
Don't fall victim to that line of thinking. Purpose to do everything in your power to achieve everything you need and want. Write it down on a list and start doing something every day to get there - and let God take care of the rest. Burdens have to be cast on him because we can't carry the load on our own - we are Human Beings, weak and fragile in nature. But we can be strong and have everything that is ours if we approach the situations that life presents us in the proper way. I'm not sure how all of this applies to those of you who are reading, but I hope it helps you see some things through in your life. It's your life to live.