Monday, January 17, 2011


We are only 2 weeks into 2011. The time is going by pretty fast for me, fast than I wish it would in certain respects. I want more time with family, friends, and loved ones; I want to accelerate my career track and accomplish all of the goals I have in my mind; I want to wake up and only do what I want to do and have obligations that only I deem important. But don't we all. It is a bit far fetched at the moment to be full of such demands though it is one of the only ways I stay focused on the desires of my heart.

Patience will be my biggest lesson of 2011. Patience is said to be a virtue, and what is virtue? Can anyone answer that question? How can we be virtuous in a world like this? I don't ask that question to be pessimistic, simply to be inquisitive. All great things should take time. Someone very close to me recently shared that without work and trials, appreciation for dreams attained or goals acquired is just not as sweet. Our world today is very demanding - not demanding because of the lives we live but because of the stress we put on ourselves. Our world has made us impatient beings who are obsessed with being satisfied at every minute of our day, to be focused on fulfilling the consumption of some data, information, or emotion that will make us feel whole either consciously or without our knowledge.

Patience must be the key to success and happiness. Happiness is not perfection, but the acceptance that imperfection will exist. Can you deal? I am trying to.

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