I just need to state a few quick things about President Obama. What I never enjoyed about his rise to the presidency is the way he seemed to mask the true face of politics to the generation that got him elected. Many of my peers seem to be entranced by his healthcare, and bedazzled by his leadership in areas of national security. This is all well and good. However, his supporters seem to be clouded in ignorance, and shielded by the fact that their decision to elect him was based more on the choice between the lesser of two "perceived" evils, than the choice for a properly fitting and well suited presidential nominee.
Now I did NOT want McCain to be president - that needs to be made clear. But honestly folks, do you not see that Obama is a politician just like the rest? The timing of this "raid" was impeccable - umm pre-election uproar? His strategy is no different than any other elected official - to push an agenda, most of which is secret. If you think everything that leaves that man's mouth is the truth then you're an idiot real talk. Sorry.
This veil of ignorance is troubling me. I hear so many of my peers not mention a WORD about Obama until he comes on TV and says he did a good thing. Ok, good things are obviously great. Osama being killed needed to be done and I am glad it was handled. But don't argue with me about the flawlessness of a presidency that you only care to pay attention to when he comes on the screen every 4 to 6 weeks! Come on! Do you read the paper? Do you watch MSNBC? Do you ever peep Fox? Rush Limbaugh? The point is, do you actually purpose to expose yourself to a diversified opinion about his politics in order to at least make a clear and sound judgement and viewpoint that is not solely based on racial peer pressure and generational social anxieties about past presidents?
Don't be a fool. Don't argue with me about how he is so great, when I know you don't know shit about politics outside of the 1 perspective you live inside of because its "safe". He is human so just be real - consider the good with the bad and don't act like he has done anymore or ruined any less of the lives of some citizens that you may not have ever met, or known to exist. Because this last is vast, and the whole world's agenda cannot be satisfied. But just dont live in ignorance. There is no proof that he is the most viable candidate for 2012 - yet. Let him prove himself.
Pay ATTENTION for the next year or so. Read about his administration daily. Take note on the speeches he makes that don't interrupt Celebrity Apprentice. Really investigate his views on foreign policy and health care. Don't just start running your mouth when you don't actually know anything because that makes you look foolish. Because most of the republicans that argue against him are probably more informed than some of the people I've seen sing his praises without knowing one significant fact about his administration besides his promotion of "Change". Don't make an opinion on the entire book, and you've only seen the first 10 pages because it's an easy read.
Obviously he's a traditional politician, but implying that he "timed" this raid for a pre-election boost is just insulting. This isn't Bush playing with the warning levels when he needed a boost. This was Obama putting Navy SEAL boots on the ground in a supposedly allied sovereign nation to assassinate the world's most wanted terrorist. You don't do that as a song and dance.